Five Ways a CBD Body Lotion Can Work Wonders on Your Skin

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound found in plants from the cannabis family such as hemp and marijuana. These plants also produce other compounds, of which THC is the most famous one. However, unlike THC, CDB does not get you high. Generally, CBD is analgesic and anti-inflammatory offering many benefits like relief from anxiety, mood stabilization, and skin diseases. For centuries, CBD has been used as a potent treatment for pain relief and skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, bug bites, sunburn, and even psoriasis. How exactly CBD works in your system? Every mammal has a network of receptors in its body, known as the endocannabinoid system or ECS. The system helps us maintain our body’s homeostasis that regulates our sleep, appetite, pain, stress, and immune functions. Our body naturally produces endocannabinoids and CBD contains phytocannabinoid, which similarly affects our body as the Endocannabinoids. Researchers describe the ECS as a lock and key system and the canna...