Five Ways a CBD Body Lotion Can Work Wonders on Your Skin

Hemp Body Lotion

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound found in plants from the cannabis family such as hemp and marijuana. These plants also produce other compounds, of which THC is the most famous one. However, unlike THC, CDB does not get you high. Generally, CBD is analgesic and anti-inflammatory offering many benefits like relief from anxiety, mood stabilization, and skin diseases. For centuries, CBD has been used as a potent treatment for pain relief and skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, bug bites, sunburn, and even psoriasis.

How exactly CBD works in your system?

Every mammal has a network of receptors in its body, known as the endocannabinoid system or ECS. The system helps us maintain our body’s homeostasis that regulates our sleep, appetite, pain, stress, and immune functions. Our body naturally produces endocannabinoids and CBD contains phytocannabinoid, which similarly affects our body as the Endocannabinoids. Researchers describe the ECS as a lock and key system and the cannabinoid in CBD helps in unlocking that receptor. As a result, our body feels a series of reactions, leading to better sleep, soothing skin, reduced anxiety, and less inflammation.

What is a CBD body lotion?

CBD or hemp body lotion falls in the category of topical CBD. It controls excessive oil production of your skin while reducing inflammation simultaneously. Dermatologists suggest these anti-inflammatory properties of CBD lotion encourage a calm and relaxed skin, free from redness and itchiness.

Whether the CBD is derived from hemp or marijuana, it carries the same health properties.

Difference between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD?

If you were researching about cbd-based skincare products, there is a high chance that you may have come across Hemp Seed Oil. Undoubtedly, both hemp seed oil and CBD come with a myriad of health benefits, but they share some differences as well.

Firstly, Hemp seed oil is derived by cold pressing the seeds of a cannabis plant. Hemp oil is rich in vitamins and Omega fatty acids. The omega does help your skin with hydration, but it does not contain CBD, as most deceptive brands claims.

Meanwhile. CBD is extracted from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of the same plant. The different parts of the plant when put together provides wholesome skin benefits. Therefore, products containing CBD carries more incredible benefits like cell regeneration, anti-aging, and anti-inflammation, which you can never expect from hemp seed oils.

Benefits of cbd body lotion for your skin

It has anti-aging properties

Most reputed CBD lotions are packed with the potent CBD and the goodness of hemp seed oil. The antioxidant properties in the cbd body lotion repair the dullness, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles of your skin. Hemp plants contain two fatty acids- Omega 3 & 6. When combined, these fatty acids stimulate your skin’s collagen production. As a result, it prevents your skin from losing excessive water, keeping your skin supple and hydrated.

Skin is the largest organ of your body and like any other crucial organ; it starts to succumb to old age. This is how your skin starts developing wrinkles, dry patches, and dullness. While you will find several products in the market, nothing can beat the effectiveness of a cbd body lotion.

It helps alleviate Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that dramatically speeds up the life cycle of skin cells, causing them to multiply faster. People with psoriasis develop patches of extra skin cells in the body in the form of scales and red spots. Although not contagious, psoriasis remains the toughest skin condition to beat. It can cause severe pain, itching, redness, and burning sensation on the skin.

There are many methods to alleviate psoriasis, but most of them simply don’t work. The symptoms can only be controlled by reducing the inflammation and rapid multiplication of skin cells. CBD oil is becoming more popular for its anti-inflammation and healing properties, which is a great help for people with psoriasis. The CBD directly affects the endocannabinoid system by regulating how your body communicates with pain, mood, and the immune system. Over the years, CBD-based products have earned the respect of many for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

 It keeps your skin hydrated

Dry skin can make your skin tough, thereby causing itchiness. The most popular myth that circulates among people is that moisturizers can cure dryness. Well, there is only a little truth about it. Moisturizers alone cannot hydrate your skin. First of all, dryness is caused when your skin fails to accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture in its cells. Applying oil alone cannot cure it. Moreover, oil can only smoothen the surface but it won’t penetrate inside the skin barrier.

CBD works by healing your damaged skin cells. It helps your skin to stop the overproduction of oil as well as allows dry skin to produce a sufficient amount of oil. The perfect blend of nutrients in CBD oil cures peeling, cuts, cracks, and rough patches of skin.

It treats eczema

Living with eczema can make your life overbearing and challenging. Regardless of what you do, the intense itchiness never ceases to stop. Plus, even a small amount of stress can flare it up. Eczema is a skin condition characterized by itchy, inflamed, reddish, and cracked skin. Since the primary cause of the condition is still not discovered, you cannot expect a permanent cure for it. The only thing you can do is to keep it under control.

CBD oil can help to treat eczema by relieving dryness and inflammation of the skin. Since it a natural product, you have no risk of any side effects as well. Dermatologists believe allergic inflammation is the leading cause of eczema. A full-spectrum hemp body lotion contacts your endocannabinoid system and helps you alleviate this allergic inflammation.

It cures your acne problems

Acne is caused when your living skin cells are clogged with dirt, excessive oil, and dead skin cells. The blockage leads to the multiplication of acne-causing bacteria P.Acnes that lives under your hair follicle. Therefore, keeping your skin clean is an essential task you need to maintain daily.

Besides, you should also use a cream that doesn’t clog your pores. Many researchers claim CBD to be an effective contributor for stopping acne growth. Since acne occurs naturally, any amount of stress can hinder the healing process of your skin. This is where the calm and anti-anxiety properties of CBD comes as a great help.


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